Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy 7 itch....

Today is our 7 year anniversary!!
Seems like a lifetime ago that we were living in Waltham, DINKs. Life was simple. Ashley Joan was our biggest responsibility. Lots changed since then. All great, of course. Wouldn’t change a thing!
I asked the kids what it means to be married:
Luke: “It means that you live together and go to the park and places together”
Paige: “GOD!” Wouldn’t elaborate.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Which color you want?

This was one of the few (maybe the only) time all three "cousin" were together. Mr. Hadley, Mad Man Marley and the baby, Parker.

After a weekend of playing in NH and then the added fun of spending the day with his cousins in Stow, Marley was as happy as can be (for a happy dog to be even happier..that's pretty happy). Dogs can definitely smile. Look at this face -

Monday, October 10, 2011

NH in Autumn -

Luke's new favorite word is Autumn. He learned it recently and he uses it whenever he can.

We went to NH this weekend for the 3 day weekend. Weather was great. We went to a fair on Saturday. Kids were loving the rides and the cotton candy:

On Sunday and Monday morning, we had some real farm time. Sunday was spent cutting fire wood for to get through the winter. Lots of wood....long winters. Luke LOVED being a part of the action. He was the big helper.

Paige and I opted for the hammock. We talked about ballet (A LOT) and about her friends and so much more!

Kids love doing the horse chores too. Paige has NO fear. I have to watch her. She'll be right in the middle of those horses in the pasture. Luke is definitely more reserved but getting used to being around the horses in the pasture and will even pet them now.