Saturday, April 21, 2012

Vacation Week

We all had quite a vacation week!  Lots of fun things going on...
Monday, we got t spend the WHOLE day with daddy since he was off work and mommy was not  He took us to the Lexington patriots day parade and a visit with Mimi and Nana too!

Angie took us to the zoo one day...

And the ocean explorium the next...

And on Friday, we got to sleepover Angie's house!!  She took us to Chuck-E-Cheese and Trio for dinner. Yeah, we had so much fun!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Signs of Spring...

Two great things about this weekend:
1) The weather was fantastic! mid 70s and sunny! Couldn't ask for more on a mid April weekend.
2) We had NO plans. We savor these weekends because we are usually running around all weekend long. Looking at the calendar and seeing two empty days is heavenly!

Lunch outside BOTH DAYS! YEAH!!!

Then it was off to work putting up the new fence in the back. This is the "keep Marley away from the arborvitaes" fence.

Then it was time for some playtime!

Stay tuned for more on our new garden. Stage one, get the structure and soil in...