Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ali's 2 month checkup -

Ali is growing like a weed!

Here are her 2 month stats:
Weight - 12 lbs (66%)
Height - 23 3/4 (94%)
Head - 15 1/2 (83%)

Tall girl! This appointment started all the shots :( poor thing. Didn't get a fever but was fussy for 24 hours or so after.

Here are some recent pics -

Do I look like brother Luke? I think so.....
I met my oldest brother last week as he finally came home from Papas.  He is a good boy!
Daddy is the best for a Sunday afternoon snuggle -
Luke loves to have me close but usually doesn't want to hold me for too long before he is onto the next thing -
But he does love to have me around while he is playing -
Paige also has a baby named Ali.  We hang out a lot -
Sister Paige give me a lot of attention (too much sometimes) -
Watching the super bowl with mommy after everyone else went to bed (and daddy was sick) -
I love bath time!!! -

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