Thursday, February 6, 2014

Luke happened to hop on the scale in our bathroom the other day.

He said: "Oh, I weigh 55 pounds!"

I said: "You are a growing boy buddy, getting so big!"

He said: "But how much do you weigh mommy?"

LOVE getting this question....NOT!

I said: "How much do you think? If you weigh 55 pounds, how much does mommy weigh?"

He said: "Maybe 800 pounds?" Remaining calm, I thought OK he has bad estimating skills.

Then he said: "How much does daddy weight?"

Again I said" "What do you think, if you weight 55 pounds and you think mommy weights 800 pounds, how much do you think daddy weights" just hoping Jay came in somewhere north of 800 pounds.

He said: "probably 100 pounds?"


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