Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Animal Show -

A Puppet Show
Showtime 4/27/2011 2pm and 7pm
Luke had this idea today when Paige went down for her nap. He wanted to do a puppet show.
He was very creative about the whole thing.

First, he said he needed a stage and went rummaging through the recycling bins to find a fitting stage. Then he pulled out the crayons and started coloring it. You can't see but there is a tree and a bald man as his backdrop on the stage because...doesn't every play need a bald man? and Luke informed me this week that he wants to be bald and he likes bald people but, I digress.

Then, he said he needed a curtain. So we settled on paper towels and straws. Very classy!

I showed him how we would make the puppets (unfortunately, daddy doesn't have too many lunch bags left). He was very particular as to which animals he wanted in his play. A rhino, a cheetah (surprise, surprise!), a zebra (because Paige likes them) and a tiger.

He named the play "The Animal Show"

The cutest part of the whole thing what the tremendous effort that went into setting up the room. He did the whole thing. Everyone had assigned seats (even his friends who weren't there) and he put waters out to drink and a couple toys at each seat specific to the person who was to sit there.

Once the "theater" was set, he decided on a story line.

THE SCREENPLAY: The rhino was playing with his friend the zebra. Zebra got called to dinner by his mommy and the rhino got lost in the jungle. He happened upon the tiger. He did not want to ask the tiger how he could get home because he was scared of the tiger. The cheetah told the rhino not to be scared of the tiger. So he asked the tiger if he knew where is house was. The tiger told him and he found his way home to his mommy and daddy. THE END!

A thriller till the end!! I told him that surely Hollywood would come knocking any day now.

He practiced his play on Paige after she woke up from her nap and was SO excited to do the play for daddy after work.

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