Saturday, February 13, 2010


For months now we’ve gotten into the routine of calling daddy at work after we eat dinner. Luke looks forward to his daily call with daddy and always reminds me if I forget, “mommy, we have to call daddy now”. Luke asked Jay a while back, “when you coming home, daddy?” Jay said, “I have to finish up some stuff and I’ll be home buddy” So Luke started asking Jay “are you working on your stuff, daddy?”
In the last couple weeks we’ve gone into Jay’s work to meet him for dinner after our music class. He has files ALL over his office. We explained to Luke that this was the “stuff” he works on. After dinner, Jay goes back to work and we go home. Luke asked what daddy was doing at work, I explain to Luke that at the end of the night daddy has to clean up his office and put all his “stuff” away, just like you have to clean up your toys after you are finished playing. Luke was VERY interested in this concept and wanted to know exactly where the stuff was going to go and was he going to be getting it all back out again in the morning.
Now when Luke asks when Jay is coming home he says “he is putting his stuff away mommy, he’ll be home after”

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