Sunday, July 27, 2008

Beach Bum!

I’ve been spending my July on the beach if you couldn’t tell. Mom, Dad and I have been exploring the beaches on the North Shore, since we aren’t able to get to the Cape nearly as much as we’d like this summer. I went to Long Beach in Rockport with my friend Will and his family a few weeks back. We had big fun. He likes playing in the sand. I was more about walking around all over the place. Yesterday, we went to Cranes Beach in Ipswich. It was bigger and shallow way out so I could get my tootsies wet without making too much of a commitment to go “in”. Daddy found some crabs (live ones!) for me and we watches as they scurried away after daddy put them down. I’ve managed to acquire quite the tan this summer, despite my 50+ sunscreen!!!

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